Clones cloning is a useful way to preserve valuable genes and ensure a constant supply of the best strains. As a cannabis breeder, you may be interested in cloning your plants to create identical copies that will almost certainly have the same high-quality traits as the original. To clone a cannabis plant, you must take a cutting from a healthy mother plant and then root it in water or soil. Once the seedling has taken root and started to grow, it can be transplanted into its own pot and treated like any other cannabis plant. This article explains the pros and cons of cannabis cloning and how to start cloning cannabis plants. Advantages and Hurdles of Cloning Cannabis Plants Cloning is often the preferred propagation method for commercial growers as it offers several advantages over growing from seed. First, cloning a plant is faster than growing it from seed. In addition, the clones are genetically identical to the plant they came from, so you can be sure that your plants will have the same characteristics as the mother plant. Another benefit of cloning is that you know all cuttings from the mother plant will be female, which is important to ensure a heavy yield. So feminized seeds can be expensive to buy and cloning avoids these costs.
However, it should be noted that clones can be more difficult to maintain than cuttings, so it's important to choose a healthy mother plant and ensure you have a solid cloning setup before you begin. One of the biggest problems is that clones are more susceptible to environmental stresses than plants grown from seed, so clones need more specific conditions to thrive. Another potential downside is that clones may not develop as strong a root system as plants grown from seed, which can ultimately affect yield. In general, cloning does not necessarily guarantee identical plants. Even with the identical genetic makeup, each clone may exhibit slightly different characteristics due to different growth conditions. In some cases, clones can inherit genetic mutations that can affect the final product.
Clones Identifying the Ideal Mother Plant Since you are about to breed a genetically identical plant, you must first select the ideal plant from which to take a cutting. There are several factors to consider when choosing a mother plant, depending on the reason for cloning. For example, variety is important to most growers, as is yield. But the most important factor to consider is the health of the mother plant. "The viability of a clone depends on the health of the mother plant from which it was cut," says Kevin Ramp Elberg, vice president of crops at Ascend Wellness Holdings. “The health of the motherhouse or nursery is one of the most important parts of growing cannabis." Step 2: Take a cutting from the mother plant Next you need to figure out where to cut the mother plant. "You should always cut just above the knot to allow for future growth," says Ramp Elberg. After removing the cuttings, cut the base of the stem at a 45-degree angle and remove the leaves from the bottom two-thirds of the branches. "I cut all the leaves below the end shoot and then 30% from the edge of the main leaf at the end shoot," says Ramp Elberg. Step 3: Prepare the clone for rooting To give the plant the best chance of developing healthy roots, Ramp Elberg recommends using a rooting hormone (ie the pruning is complete). Then it can be added to the rooting medium, which must be previously soaked with an aqueous nutrient solution. Typical rooting media are rockwool, peat or soil.
Clones Place Seedling in Humidification Dome After planting, seedlings should be maintained in ideal conditions to encourage new root growth. Ramp Elberg recommends placing the clones in a dish covered with a clear dome. "Then place the clones under a T5 light or equivalent for root growth." He adds that bright light isn't necessary, but it can shine for 18-24 hours. "The relative humidity (RH) should be between 75 and 85 percent and the temperature between 75 and 85 degrees," advises Ramp Elberg. Step 5: Monitor and care for your clones Now it's time to feed your clones as soon as they start to develop roots. "In the coming days, the dome will be removed to supply the clones with fresh air and also to control the saturation of the nutrient solution," says Ramp Elberg. "After the first few days, you can open the vents on the domes or tilt the domes to circulate fresh air. The domes will eventually be completely removed when the roots start to grow. Under ideal conditions, the roots should start growing after 6-10 days. When the roots have taken root, it's time to transplant."
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