Computers can be fixed.

You don’t have to buy a new one.

Bel Air Computer Guy Computer Repair

Personal Service

We offer expert computer repair in Bel Air, MD. We promise a personal, “one-on-one” experience. You always know who you’re dealing with and can reach us by text.

Fixed Right the First Time

An accurate initial diagnosis is critical when comparing repair vs replacement cost.   We charge a flat fee to diagnose problems and upon completion, provide an honest assessment of your computer, along with a resolution and all associated costs.

Pickup & Delivery

My mother is terrified of the cables behind her computer. I swore, one day I would put that fear to rest. We will personally disconnect your machine and then upon delivery, reconnect it – all while showing you what we’re doing and teaching.

Everything you want

Honesty & Respect

We’re in business to fix problems, not to sell unnecessary services. You won’t find any games here. We’re always honest, even if it means us losing the job.

Fast & Efficient Service

We diagnose most problems the same day you drop off! Our experience level allows us to move very quickly and without error.

Fair Pricing

We don’t bill an hourly rate in the shop. The same price is charged every time and we never charge you a price other than what you were quoted.

No Fix, No Fee

We don’t charge for trying. If we tell you we can fix it and it ends up unfixable, you’ll not pay a dime.

We service and repair Windows, Mac, Chrome – even Linux!

Don’t Take Our Word For It… Take everyone else’s.